
for Assignment

for Programs
As per Syllabus 2023-24
As per Syllabus 2022-23
As per Term wise Syllabus 2021-22
As per Syllabus 2021-22
As Per Revised Syllabus 2020-21
- Class XII
- Computer Science
- Revision of the basics of python
- Functions

- File handling

- Using python libraries

- Data-structures:lists,stack,queue

- Network and network types

- Network Protocols, Wireless & Mobile telecomm. technology

- Network Security Concepts

- Web Services

- Database Concepts

- Structured Query Language

- Interface python with sql database

- Informatics Practices
- Data Handling Using Pandas - I

- Data Visualization

- Database query using sql-functions
- Database query using sql - group by,having,order by
- Computer networks
- Internet and world wide web

- Website Concepts

- Web Browsers

- Societal Impacts-Digital footprint,Netiquettes,Data protection,IPR,FOSS

- Societal Impacts-Cybercrime & cyber law,IT Act.,Ewast mgmt,Health issues - technology

Session 2019-20
- Class XII
- Computer Science
- Revision of the basics of python
- Functions

- File handling

- Using python libraries

- Recursion

- Idea of efficiency

- Data visualization using Pyplot

- Data-structures:lists,stack,queue

- Network and network types
- Network device and functions
- Network tools and protocols
- Web application development using django
- Interface python with sql database
- IPR,Licensing and Open Source and Cyber crime
- Technology and society,E waste managment,identity theft,Gender and disability issue in using computer
- Informatics Practices
- Advance operations on dataframes

- Histogram and qunatiles

- Function application

- Reindexing and label alteration

- Numpy - Array

- Plotting with Pyplot

- Software engineering-software processes and delivery models
- Software engineering-Process activities and Agile methods
- Business use-case diagrams
- Web application development using django
- Interface python with sql database
- IPR,Licensing and Open Source and Cyber crime
- Technology and society,E waste managment,identity theft,Gender and disability issue in using computer
- Role of new media in society,internet issues,case studies
CLASS XII (IP) (As per Old Syllabus-By Sh.Rajesh Kr. Mishra,PGT CS):
Click on Chapters to View & Download